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Searched for: Land Use
  1. Priday Brothers grazing allotment lease renewal land use plan conformance and determination of NEPA adequacy

    5 pp. Map. Located approximately 5 miles west of Antelope, Oregon; T 7 and 8 S, R 15 and 16 E. Captured March 6, 2008.

  2. Ranch and Rec. grazing allotment lease renewal land use plan conformance and determination of NEPA adequacy

    5 pp. Map. Located approximately two miles southeast of Shaniko, Oregon; T 7 S, R 17 E. Captured March 7, 2008.

  3. Reckman grazing allotment lease renewal land use plan conformance and determination of NEPA adequacy

    5 pp. Map. Located approximately eight miles west of Grass Valley, Oregon; T 2 and 3 S, R 15 E. Captured July 3, 2008.

  4. Rocky Ridge grazing allotment lease renewal land use plan conformance and determination of NEPA adequacy

    5 pp. Map. Located approximately 13 miles southwest of Tygh Valley, Oregon; T 5 S, R 12 E. Captured March 7, 2008.

  5. Scott Creek allotment grazing permit renewal land use plan conformance and NEPA adequacy

    5 pp. Table. Located 7 1/4 air miles northwest of Dayville, Oregon. Captured July 3, 2008.

  6. Snabel Creek allotment grazing lease renewal land use plan conformance and determination of NEPA adequacy

    4 pp. Map. Located 3 miles west of Spray, Oregon. Captured March 6, 2008.

  7. South Stonehill allotment grazing lease renewal land use plan conformance and NEPA adequacy

    6 pp. Map, table. Located 2 1/2 air miles northeast of Kimberly, Oregon. Captured July 2, 2008.

  8. Squaw Creek allotment grazing lease renewal land use plan conformance and NEPA adequacy

    8 pp. Table. Located eleven air miles south of Kimberly, Oregon. Captured July 3, 2008.

  9. Table Mountain allotment grazing lease renewal land use plan conformance and determination of NEPA adequacy

    4 pp. Map. Located ten miles east of Mitchell, Oregon. Captured March 6, 2008.

  10. Tamarack Creek allotment grazing lease renewal land use plan conformance and determination of NEPA adequacy

    4 pp. Map. Located four miles south of Spray, Oregon. Captured March 6, 2008.

