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Land Use

Land Use

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Searched for: Land Use
  1. Land Use Framework Element of the CRAG Regional Plan

    The Land Use Framework Element is an element of the Regional Plan pursuant to Regional Objective II and to Section 3 of the Rules Adopting and Implementing the CRAG Goals and Objectives.

  2. Looking Back at Planning Oregon

    An interview with Henry Richmond is the product of a new project called People and the Land: An Oral History of Oregon's Statewide Land Use Planning Program. Richmond explains the political and economic...

  3. Land Information System: Strategies for Local Governments in Oregon

    The purpose of this report is to disseminate the findings and recommendations from the deliberations of the Oregon Land Records Committee (OLRC) of the State Map Advisory Council (SMAC). The OLRC consists of...

  4. Staff Report: In Consideration of Ordinance No. 05-1077 Amending the Regional Framework Plan and the Urban Growth Management...

  5. The Nature of 2040: the Region's 50-Year Plan for Managing Growth

  6. Region 2040 Growth Concept Map with Amendments

  7. Ten Principles for Achieving Region 2040 Centers

  8. The City Planner Handbook
