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Searched for: Land Use
  1. Improving Vehicle Trip Generation Estimations for Urban Contexts: A Method Using Household Travel Surveys to Adjust ITE Trip...

    The purpose of this research is to develop and test a widely available, ready-to-use method for adjusting the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Handbook vehicle trip generation...

  2. Integrating Freight into Livable Communities

    Where livability is a goal of the planning process, freight runs the risk of not being considered except as an afterthought or as something to be excluded. Yet, freight is an integral part of local economic...

  3. Pursuing Vision Zero in Seattle – Results of a Systemic Safety Analysis

    Many cities are considering pursuing Vision Zero to eliminate traffic deaths, but may not know how to move beyond addressing past crash locations toward preventing future crashes. Systemic analysis, which looks...

  4. Getting to Know the Data: Understanding Assumptions, Sensitivities, Uncertainty, and Being "Conservative" While Using ITE's...

    Many agencies rely on trip generation estimates to evaluate the transportation impacts of land development in urban and suburban areas alike. Over the past decade, substantial attention has been paid to one...
