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Land Use

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Searched for: Land Use
  1. Development and Sensitivity Testing of Alternative Mobility Metrics

    The Oregon Highway Plan’s (OHP) mobility policies guide various planning and programming activities of the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT). Among these activities are ODOT’s land use change...

  2. Settlement Patterns in the Portland Region: A Historical Overview

    Cities exist because they serve two basic functions--to generate economic value and to sustain social and cultural values. In the most fundamental sense, the interaction of these two urban roles determines the...

  3. Track Time and Monetary Costs of Transportation as a Comprehensive Performance Measure: Development and Application of...

    As federal and state policies place increasing emphasis on using comprehensive transportation performance measures to guide transportation decision making, there is a gap in such measures of transportation and...

  4. Transportation Solutions: Collaborative Problem Solving for States and Communities

    In April 2003, the National Policy Consensus Center (NPCC) hosted a colloquium for people involved in transportation collaborations—federal and state agency representatives, consultants, dispute resolution...

  5. Environment, Economy, and Equity: Can We Find a Language for Fairness in Regional Planning?

    Metropolitan Portland is often cited as a model for regional planning and growth management. In the 19905, both academics and the popular press "discovered" the Portland region, connecting our quality of...

  6. Highlights: Accomplishments of Portland's Downtown Plan, Central City Plan, Albina Community Plan, Outer Southeast Community...

    All four plans were comprehensive. Their scope included transportation, housing, economic development, parks and open space, natural resources, urban design, and land use. Large scale planning efforts had...

  7. Journal Building Site Use Committee

  8. Impacts of Climate Change and Urban Development on Water Resources in the Tualatin River Basin

    Potential impacts of climate change on the water resources of the Pacific Northwest of the United States include earlier peak runoff, reduced summer flows, and increased winter flooding. An increase in...

  9. Staff Report: In Consideration of Ordinance No. 05-1077 Amending the Regional Framework Plan and the Urban Growth Management...

  10. MetroScope Technical Documentation Manual: An Integrated Transportation and Land Use Model Developed for Forecasting and...

