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Searched for: Land Use
  1. Realistic or Utopian? Coordinating Transit and Land Use to Achieve Equitable Transit-Oriented Development

    Equitable transit-oriented development (E-TOD)—the prioritization of social equity as an outcome of TOD implementation—has become a U.S. DOT policy stance, an objective of many other government bodies, and...

  2. Effects of Comprehensive Plan Amendments on Interchange Traffic in Oregon

    In this paper we examine the effects of amendments to local comprehensive plans on interchange performance. Plan amendments over a 15-year period in Oregon resulting in changes to industrial or commercial land...

  3. A Pathway Linking Smart Growth Neighborhoods to Home-Based Pedestrian Travel

    Land development patterns, urban design, and transportation system features are inextricably linked to pedestrian travel. Accordingly, planners and decision-makers have turned to integrated transportation-land...

  4. Travel Decisions & Their Implications for Urban Transportation: From Campus Transportation to Statewide Modeling

    The ability to forecast future transportation patterns under a particular land-use scenario or urban form is key to making informed decisions at the local and regional levels.

  5. Identficaton and Characterization of Pollutant Hot Spots Integratng Probe Vehicle, Traffic and Land Use Data

    Identification and Characterization of PM2.5 and VOC Hot Spots on Arterial Corridor by Integrating Probe Vehicle, Traffic, and Land Use Data: The purpose of this study is to explore the use of integrated probe...

  6. Regional Transportation and Land Use Decision Making in Metropolitan Regions

    In 2010, an interdisciplinary team from the National Policy Consensus Center at Portland State University and the Department of Planning, Public Policy and Management at the University of Oregon conducted a...

  7. Webinar: Transport Cost Index: A New Comprehensive Performance Measure for Transportation and Land Use

    Recent federal and state policies are placing increasing emphasis on using comprehensive transportation performance measures to guide transportation decision making processes covering policy areas ranging from...

  8. Understanding Where We Live and How We Travel

    Understanding changing residential preferences—especially as they are represented within land use and travel demand models—is fundamental to understanding the drivers of future housing, land use and...

  9. The Boulevard Study: From Arterial to Asset -- Examining the Role of the Multi-Way Boulevard in Coordinated Transportation...

    Cities that were once considered the most-desired places to live or for businesses to locate are now seeking ways to unclog their increasingly congested roadways and regain their quality of life. U.S....

  10. Issues in Trip Generation Methods for Transportation Impact Estimation of Land Use Development: A Review and Discussion of...

    As agencies develop more robust planning objectives for creating sustainable and livable communities, the research community has continued developing supportive tools and methods to provide more accurate and...
