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Land Use

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Searched for: Land Use
  1. Talks on Comprehensive Plans and Land Use

  2. Interim Regional Land Use Plan

  3. Information Report on 1983 Land Use Regulation

  4. For Discussion: Columbia-Willamette Region Land Use Framework Plan (Draft II)

    A depiction of areas designated urban vs. non-urban in the Portland metropolitan region.

  5. Gateway Gardens Site Analysis

    The Gateway Gardens Site Analysis takes a comprehensive look at a largely-vacant land area in Portland’s Gateway District. Currently owned by the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT), the 38-acre site...

  6. Patterns of Time, Place, and Culture: Land Use Zoning in Portland, Oregon, 1918-1924

    Until recently, few have questioned the notion that the separation of uses in land use zoning is inherently correct. Many observers of the city are now suggesting that zoning, as it has been practiced in this...

  7. The Importance of Housing, Accessibility, and Transport Characteristic Ratings on Stated Neighborhood Preference

    Travel demand models commonly lack the ability to understand how changing residential preferences influence future housing, land use, and transportation policies. As communities struggle to address social...

  8. The Effects of Commuter Rail on Population Deconcentration and Commuting: A Salt Lake City Case Study

    All transportation systems have the ability to transform human settlement patterns, which can affect a range of social, economic and environmental issues. Considering investments in rail infrastructure have...

  9. Transportation Cost Index as a Performance Measure for Transportation and Land Use Systems: New Approaches and Applications

    This research aims to fill gaps in existing multi-modal performance measures for transportation and land use systems: As a supplement/replacement of traffic-centric measures such as LOS, travel delay; Recent...

  10. Realistic or Utopian? Coordinating Transit and Land Use to Achieve Equitable Transit-Oriented Development

    Equitable transit-oriented development (E-TOD)—the prioritization of social equity as an outcome of TOD implementation—has become a U.S. DOT policy stance, an objective of many other government bodies, and...
