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Land Use

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Searched for: Land Use
  1. Identficaton and Characterization of Pollutant Hot Spots Integratng Probe Vehicle, Traffic and Land Use Data

    Identification and Characterization of PM2.5 and VOC Hot Spots on Arterial Corridor by Integrating Probe Vehicle, Traffic, and Land Use Data: The purpose of this study is to explore the use of integrated probe...

  2. Webinar: Land Use Mix and Pedestrian Travel Behavior: Advancements in Conceptualization and Measurement

    Smart growth policies have often emphasized the importance of land use mix as an intervention beholding of lasting urban planning and public health benefits. Past transportation-land use research has identified...

  3. Planning Transportation for Recreational Areas

    Population growth and increased accessibility of formerly remote destinations have created new needs for planning mobility to and within recreational areas.

  4. Integrative Public Transport in a Segmented City: Reflections from Jerusalem

    Jerusalem is perhaps an extreme case of residential and travel market segmentation. It is comprised of four different 'cities', which partially overlap in space: The Jewish-Zionist city; the Palestinian city;...

  5. Webinar: States on the Hot Seat: State Efforts to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Transportation

    Transportation accounts for approximately 33 percent of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the United States. While the federal government issued notice of a proposed rule that would include a GHG reduction...

  6. Webinar: Transport Cost Index: A New Comprehensive Performance Measure for Transportation and Land Use

    Recent federal and state policies are placing increasing emphasis on using comprehensive transportation performance measures to guide transportation decision making processes covering policy areas ranging from...

  7. Webinar: The Association Between Light Rail Transit, Streetcars and Bus Rapid Transit on Jobs, People and Rents

    What are the job, residential development and market rent outcomes of Light Rail Transit (LRT), Streetcar Transit (SCT) and Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)?

  8. Realistic or Utopian? Coordinating Transit and Land Use to Achieve Equitable Transit-Oriented Development

    Equitable transit-oriented development (E-TOD)—the prioritization of social equity as an outcome of TOD implementation—has become a U.S. DOT policy stance, an objective of many other government bodies, and...

  9. Urbanism Next: How Technology is Changing Our City

    Advances in technology such as the advent of autonomous vehicles (AV’s), the rise of E-commerce, and the proliferation of the sharing economy are having profound effects not only on how we live, move, and...

  10. Track Time and Monetary Costs of Transportation as a Comprehensive Performance Measure: Development and Application of...

    As federal and state policies place increasing emphasis on using comprehensive transportation performance measures to guide transportation decision making, there is a gap in such measures of transportation and...
