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Searched for: Land Use
  1. Integrative Public Transport in a Segmented City: Reflections from Jerusalem

    Jerusalem is perhaps an extreme case of residential and travel market segmentation. It is comprised of four different 'cities', which partially overlap in space: The Jewish-Zionist city; the Palestinian city;...

  2. Edged Out: Location Efficient Housing and Low Income Households in the Portland Region

    Transportation costs are typically a household’s second largest expense after housing. Low income households are especially burdened by transportation costs, with low income households spending up to two...

  3. The Politics of Implementation: Oregon's Statewide Transportation Planning Rule - What's Been Accomplished

    This paper is a case study of the evolution of Oregon’s groundbreaking Transportation Planning Rule, from its adoption in 1991, up through present amendments. Our analysis is an assessment of how private- and...

  4. Retail Rent with Respect to Distance from Light Rail Transit Stations in Dallas and Denver

    A growing body of recent research is challenging the assumptions underlying the half-mile-circle in planning for development around transit stations. In this article we review this literature and extend it to...

  5. Marketing Central City Residence to an Aging Baby Boom: The Transportation Angle

    This paper proposes that the aging baby boom will contribute significantly to transportation problems in the future because 1) current land use patterns necessitate dependence on cars; and 2) aging baby boom...

  6. Challenges Confronting Metropolitan Portland's Transportation Decision-Making Regime

    In this paper we discuss the structure and dynamics of this consensus process through an exploration of a series of challenges to the regime. These challenges include: (1) cultivating new sources of project...

  7. Three Bridges

    In the last decade, three important new bridges in the Portland area were the subject of intense discussion and analysis: the Tilikum Crossing, the Sellwood Bridge and the Columbia River Crossing. One of those...

  8. Urbanism Next: How Technology is Changing Our City

    Advances in technology such as the advent of autonomous vehicles (AV’s), the rise of E-commerce, and the proliferation of the sharing economy are having profound effects not only on how we live, move, and...

  9. Assessing State Efforts to Integrate Transportation, Land Use and Climate

    Climate change is increasingly recognized as a threat to life on earth. “Continued emission of greenhouse gases will cause further warming and long-lasting changes in all components of the climate system,...

  10. Understanding School Travel: How Residential Location Choice and the Built Environment Affect Trips to School

    This project investigates issues related to parents’ decisions about children’s school transportation. This has become an important area of research due to the growing concerns that increased reliance on...
