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Land Use

Land Use

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Searched for: Land Use
  1. Household Water Demand and Land Use Context: A Multilevel Approach

    Urban water use arises from a mix of scale-dependent biophysical and socioeconomic factors. In Portland, Oregon, single-family residential water use exhibits a tightly coupled relationship with summertime...

  2. Stressors and Strategies for Managing Urban Water Scarcity: Perspectives from the Field

    Largely because water resource planning in the U.S. has been separated from land-use planning, opportunities for explicitly linking planning policies to water availability remain unexamined. The pressing need...

  3. Effects of Beaver Dams on Surface Water Flow During Storm Events in an Urban Landscape

    Urban land-use generally alters the hydrologic cycle, leading to changes in the natural flow regime of local streams. Runoff from impervious surfaces and routing of stormwater to streams causes urban streams to...

  4. Relationships Between Environmental Governance and Water Quality in a Growing Metropolitan Area of the Pacific Northwest,...

    We investigate relationships between environmental governance and water quality in two adjacent growing metropolitan areas in the western US. While the Portland, Oregon and Vancouver, Washington metro areas...

  5. Use of Distance Weighted Metrics to Investigate Landscape-Stream Temperature Relationships Across Different Temporal Scales

    Stream ecosystems have experienced significant negative impacts from land use, resource exploitation, and urban development. Statistical models allow researchers to explore the relationships between these...

  6. Assessing Hydrologic and Water Quality Sensitivities to Precipitation Changes, Urban Growth and Land Management Using SWAT

    Precipitation changes and urban growth are two factors altering the state of water quality. Changes in precipitation will alter the amount and timing of flows, and the corresponding sediment and nutrient...

  7. Riparian Vegetation Assemblages and Associated Landscape Factors Across an Urbanizing Metropolitan Area

    While diverse, native riparian vegetation provides important functions, it remains unclear to what extent these assemblages can persist in urban areas, and under what conditions. We characterized forested...

  8. Informing Oregon's Marine Protected Area (MPA) Baseline: Past and Present Tribal Uses of Marine Resources

    Native American tribes with ancestral land adjacent to the coast have gathered, hunted, and fished marine resources for millennia. In 2012, the state of Oregon designated five marine sites as reserves in which...

  9. A Geospatial Tool for Wetland Prioritization at the Watershed Scale

    There is an increasing demand for assessing ecosystem functions for freshwater wetlands, especially when comparing or prioritizing among wetlands at the watershed scale. We estimated the relative potential of...

  10. Physical, Chemical and Biological Assessment of Yoncalla Log Ponds

    The Yoncalla Log Ponds are a series of four ponds located in within the city limits of the town in Yoncalla in northern Douglas County, Oregon. The ponds were created in stages between the late 1930s and the...
