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Native Americans

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Searched for: Native Americans
  1. Native Americans drying salmon at Squaw Camp above Blue River


    The Native Americans were drying/smoking salmon at Squaw Flat, junction of the South Fork with McKenzie River above Blue River.

  2. Native American Longhouse exterior and sign

  3. PH037_IN00004; 706; P3394; P3395


    [Native American Chief. Positive image of a young, native american man w/ head-dress and lance. Positive image.]; default

  4. Native American woman on horse


    Native American woman on horseback at Pendleton Round Up.

  5. PH036_4286 Lee Moorhouse photographs; Jack Chapman, Indian, and family ; Jack Chapman, Indian, and family.


    A Native American man, identified as Jack Chapman, stands by a ford, or stream crossing, with his family, two horses, and a carriage. He wears Euro-American clothing and holds a baby in a cradleboard. A Native...

  6. Stressful Life Events : a Comparative Study of Native American and Urban Samples

    The subject of this paper is an extension of the work done Holmes and Rahe on the development of the Social Readjustment Rating Scale or SRRS and of the study, “Individual Perception of Stressful Life Events:...

  7. PH036_6363 Lee Moorhouse photographs; Two Native American men on horseback, tipis in background


    Looking out from under a vegetation-covered arbor. In a large open space, two Native-American men sit on horseback, facing left. Standing behind them is a Native-American wearing a flat hat, with a bundle or...

  8. PH036_6221 Lee Moorhouse photographs; Lee Moorhouse collection of Indian costumes and artifacts.


    A Native American woman reclines on a blanket before a collection of Native American artifacts, identified as belonging to Major Lee Moorhouse. The woman wears a beaded buckskin dress, a choker, beaded...

  9. Native American Longhouse (NAL) Album, 2000-2002


    Events and activities depicted: All Cultural Centers Staff Retreat at the coast; Images of the Longhouse prior to its renovation and after; Training for 2000-2001 staff; Open House, Fall 2000; Recognition...

  10. Native American Longhouse (NAL) Album, 2001, 2003, 2006-2009


    Events and activities depicted: The Camas Dig, 2009; The 7th Annual Jim Thorpe Fun Run, May 2009; Salmon Bake; Fry Bread sale; Pow Wow and Salmon Bake, 2003; All Center Tailgater for Dad’s Weekend, 2006;...
