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Searched for: Natural Areas
  1. The Nisqually Watershed From the Summit to the Sound: A Field Guide

    Occasional Papers in Geography Publication No. 6

  2. Forest Resource Use, Land-Use, and Ecotourism in the Río Plátano Biosphere Reserve, Honduras

    The Río Pláttano Biosphere Reserve, a tropical rainforest reserve in the northeastern corner of Honduras, is home to several subsistence-based indigenous groups, including the Miskito, Pech and Garifuna, as...

  3. A methodology for determining mass movement susceptibility for land-use planning

    Land-use planning takes into consideration geologic hazards in order to protect both life and property. One type of geologic hazard is mass movement. Mass movement is a collective term for the downslope...

  4. Netarts Bay, Oregon: an assessment of human impact on an estuarine system

    Problems associated with planning the future use of estuarine areas stem from: A lack of knowledge on the critical aspects of the system. Inability to predict the future changes which will occur within the...

  5. Patterns of Time, Place, and Culture: Land Use Zoning in Portland, Oregon, 1918-1924

    Until recently, few have questioned the notion that the separation of uses in land use zoning is inherently correct. Many observers of the city are now suggesting that zoning, as it has been practiced in this...

  6. A User's Manual for: A Clear Sky Solar Radiation Generator for the Personal Computer

    Occasional Papers in Geography Publication No. 3

  7. Streamflow Analysis and a Comparison of Hydrologic Metrics in Urban Streams

    This study investigates the hydrologic effects of urbanization in two Portland, Oregon streams through a comparison of three hydrologic metrics. Hydrologic metrics used in this study are the mean annual runoff...

  8. Examining the Effects of Climate Change and Urban Development on Water Demand: A Multi-Scale Analysis of Future Water Demand...

    In the Portland, Oregon, metropolitan area, suburban cities such as Hillsboro are projected to grow as people seek affordable housing near a rapidly growing metropolis. This thesis examines the combined impact...

  9. Values Mapping and Counter-Mapping in Contested Landscapes: an Olympic Peninsula (USA) Case Study

    Indigenous peoples, local communities, and other groups can use counter-mapping to make land claims, identify areas of desired access, or convey cultural values that diverge from the dominant paradigm. While...

  10. The Effects of Climate Change and Urbanization on the Runoff of the Rock Creek Basin

    Climate changes brought on by global warming are expected to have a significant affect on the Pacific Northwest hydrology during the 21st Century. Current research anticipates higher mean annual temperatures...

