Natural Areas

Natural Areas

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Searched for: Natural Areas
  1. Greening Our Cities: An Analysis of the Benefits and Barriers Associated with Green Roofs

    This document investigates green roofs as one piece in a larger strategy that should be taken to maintain the health of the natural environment and the quality of life experienced in Portland. By adding more...

  2. Patterns of Time, Place, and Culture: Land Use Zoning in Portland, Oregon, 1918-1924

    Until recently, few have questioned the notion that the separation of uses in land use zoning is inherently correct. Many observers of the city are now suggesting that zoning, as it has been practiced in this...

  3. Dynamics of the Suburban Activity Center

    Suburban congestion is a much-discussed phenomenon, although its nature and dimensions are poorly understood. During the Winter term of 1989, several students in the Transportation and Land Use class in the...

  4. Portland's Changing Landscape

    Occasional Papers in Geography Publication No. 4

  5. Regional Transportation and Land Use Decision Making in Metropolitan Regions: Findings from Four Case Studies

    Throughout the United States, metropolitan regions face increasingly complex issues related to transportation and land use. The diffuse nature of decision making creates a need to better coordinate land use and...

  6. Inclusive Business Prosperity in North/Northeast Portland

    Building Business Equity undertook a research study on the nature of commercial displacement. Demographic data and anecdotal evidence suggest that major shifts are occurring in the population and commercial...

  7. Informing the Plan - Incorporating Stakeholder Hopes, Dreams, and Concerns: An Assessment of the Creekside District Master...

    In April 2011, the City of Beaverton adopted its Civic Plan Central City Strategy (“the Civic Plan”). The Civic Plan provided a new understanding of the Central City. One of the Civic Plan’s most...

  8. Developing High-Resolution Descriptions of Urban Heat Islands: A Public Health Imperative

    Extreme heat events affect the most vulnerable human populations and are a lethal health hazard to urban dwellers globally; in the United States, extreme heat causes more deaths annually than all other weather...

  9. Gateway Gardens Site Analysis

    The Gateway Gardens Site Analysis takes a comprehensive look at a largely-vacant land area in Portland’s Gateway District. Currently owned by the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT), the 38-acre site...

  10. Evaluation of Transportation Microenvironments Through Assessment of Cyclysts' Exposure to Traffic-Related Particulate Matter

    It is well established that vehicles powered by carbon-based fuels (e.g. gasoline, diesel) have a negative impact on air quality, especially in urban centers. Traditionally, air quality conformity studies...
