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Searched for: Natural Areas
  1. Advantages and Issues in Using A Fishery Management Plan Approach in Developing Countries: Lessons From Mauritania and...

    Abstract only.

  2. The Van Chai and its Role in the Hierarchy of Fisheries Administration in Vietnam

    The long history of the van chai system of Vietnam began several centuries ago with their establishment mainly in the lower and middle reaches of rivers northern Vietnam and in coastal lagoons in Central...

  3. What Are We Protecting? the Side-Effects of Spatial Closures As A tool to Mitigate Fisheries Bycatch

    Abstract only.

  4. Uncertainty and Risk in the Ecosystems Approach to Fisheries Management: Some Insights from an Ecosystem Computer Simulation...

    Understanding the complexities of ecosystems is difficult enough, but when the human dimension is added to the inherent uncertainty and risk in fisheries management, the actual versus expected results move from...

  5. Impact of Population Stress on the Coastal Resources in Kerala, India

    No poster available.

  6. Economic Potentials of Women in Small-scale Fisheries in West Africa

    In the past three and a half a century since fisheries development was embarked upon in West Africa, the

  7. The Relevance of Indigenous Knowledge to Contemporary Sustainability

    The subject of Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) is currently attracting interest from many quarters,

  8. IIFET 2012 Conference Program

    This is the final conference program grid and reflects the changes due to speaker availability.

  9. Final Program Grid IIFET 2012 TZ.pdf

  10. IIFET 2012 FInal Program.xlsx
