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Searched for: Natural Areas
  1. Floodplains: Balancing Nature and Human Needs

    For countless years, the interaction between climatic conditions and water flow has forged the rolling hills and rivers in the metroscape. The floods that forced a deluge of water down the Columbia River...

  2. Forest Park Ecosystems Services Inventory: An Exploratory Study

    This report presents both qualitative and quantitative survey data concerning resident perceptions of ecosystem services in Portland’s Forest Park. Focus group best practices and ecosystem services in urban...

  3. Alagnak Wild River Visitor Use Project: Alagnak Wild River Resident User Study

    This report represents a thematic summary of findings from the Alagnak Wild River Resident Users Study, the final project in a larger series of studies conducted for the National Park Service (NPS) as part of...

  4. Environmental Reviews and Case Studies: Mapping Landscape Values: Issues, Challenges and Lessons Learned from Field Work on...

    In order to inform natural resource policy and land management decisions, landscape values mapping (LVM) is increasingly used to collect data about the meanings that people attach to places and the activities...

  5. Teacher Professional Learning Communities for Sustainability: Supporting STEM in Learning Gardens in Low-Income Schools

    In order to address the ecological and social problems of sustainability in our modern times, citizens need to be empowered with an understanding of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) concepts...

  6. Global Conservation of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services

    Habitat destruction has driven much of the current biodiversity extinction crisis, and it compromises the essential benefits, or ecosystem services, that humans derive from functioning ecosystems. Securing both...

  7. Estimating Watershed Biodiversity: An Empirical Study of the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland, USA

    There has been increasing demand for rigorous methods for evaluating biodiversity, one of the ecosystem services that sustains and fulfills human life. After carefully examining the literature, we found three...

  8. Values Mapping and Counter-Mapping in Contested Landscapes: an Olympic Peninsula (USA) Case Study

    Indigenous peoples, local communities, and other groups can use counter-mapping to make land claims, identify areas of desired access, or convey cultural values that diverge from the dominant paradigm. While...

  9. DR7a: Changes in ecosystem services and migration in low-lying coastal areas over the next 50 years

    This paper examines the history and current status of ecosystem services in low-lying coastal areas (LLCAs), their potential changes because of wider environmental and social shifts, and the potential impacts...

  10. Climate Change and Freshwater Resources in Oregon

    Climate change will affect various sectors of water resources in Oregon in the 21st century. The observed trends in streamflow show significant declines in September flow and, although not significant,...
