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Searched for: Natural Areas
  1. Coordinated Population Forecast for Wallowa County, its Urban Growth Boundaries (UGB), and Area Outside UGBs 2016-2066

    Wallowa County’s total population has declined since 2000 at an average annual rate of about threetenths of one percent between 2000 and 2010 (Figure 1); however, Enterprise and Joseph experienced population...

  2. Coordinated Population Forecast for Hood River County, its Urban Growth Boundaries (UGB), and Area Outside UGBs 2016-2066

    Hood River County’s total population has grown steadily since 2000, with an average annual growth rate of about one percent between 2000 and 2010 (Figure 1). The Hood River UGB experienced more rapid...

  3. Project "Foresight": First Phase

    Project "Foresight" at this time is concentrating on two major objectives: (1) the development of the first phase of a Willamette Valley Environmental Protection Plan, and (2) refine and sustain a process for...

  4. Coordinated Population Forecast for Gilliam County, its Urban Growth Boundaries (UGB), and Area Outside UGBs 2016-2066

    Gilliam County’s total population declined during the 2000s, with average annual growth rate of negative two-tenths of one percent (Figure 1); however, since 2010 the county has seen a slight increase in...

  5. A Case Study of the Baldock Restoration Project

    Since the 1980s, homelessness has become an increasingly visible and seemingly intransigent part of American society. It affects not only those who experience it directly, as a condition in their own lives, but...

  6. Greening Our Cities: An Analysis of the Benefits and Barriers Associated with Green Roofs

    This document investigates green roofs as one piece in a larger strategy that should be taken to maintain the health of the natural environment and the quality of life experienced in Portland. By adding more...

  7. Augmented Analysis of Oregon's Special Need Transportation Providers

    This analysis extends the work originally provided in the 1988 Oregon Public Transportation Study by the same authors. The intent is to focus attention on a particularly diverse segment of the public...

  8. Planning in the Portland Metropolitan Area after Measure 37

    Created in the aftermath of Measure 37, the Russill Fellowship is aimed at examining non-regulatory land use planning tools and their potential application in the Portland Metropolitan area, with a particular...

  9. Patterns of Time, Place, and Culture: Land Use Zoning in Portland, Oregon, 1918-1924

    Until recently, few have questioned the notion that the separation of uses in land use zoning is inherently correct. Many observers of the city are now suggesting that zoning, as it has been practiced in this...

  10. Dynamics of the Suburban Activity Center

    Suburban congestion is a much-discussed phenomenon, although its nature and dimensions are poorly understood. During the Winter term of 1989, several students in the Transportation and Land Use class in the...

