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  1. Portland's Changing Landscape

    Occasional Papers in Geography Publication No. 4

  2. Bridal Veil Mill Site: A Plan for Restoration

    Founded in 1972, the Trust for Public Land (TPL) is a national non-profit organization that works to protect land for its natural, scenic, and recreational values as parks and open space. One way that TPL...

  3. Forest Park Ecosystems Services Inventory: An Exploratory Study

    This report presents both qualitative and quantitative survey data concerning resident perceptions of ecosystem services in Portland’s Forest Park. Focus group best practices and ecosystem services in urban...

  4. Portland-Vancouver ULTRA-Ex: Evaluating Relationships Between Governance and Environmental Quality in Urban Ecosystems

    The Portland-Vancouver Urban Long Term Research Area (ULTRA-Ex) is a multidisciplinary project aimed at understanding the feedbacks between human and natural systems in urban settings. The ULTRA-Ex project is...

  5. Regional Transportation and Land Use Decision Making in Metropolitan Regions: Findings from Four Case Studies

    Throughout the United States, metropolitan regions face increasingly complex issues related to transportation and land use. The diffuse nature of decision making creates a need to better coordinate land use and...

  6. Challenges Confronting Metropolitan Portland's Transportation Decision-Making Regime

    In this paper we discuss the structure and dynamics of this consensus process through an exploration of a series of challenges to the regime. These challenges include: (1) cultivating new sources of project...

  7. Inclusive Business Prosperity in North/Northeast Portland

    Building Business Equity undertook a research study on the nature of commercial displacement. Demographic data and anecdotal evidence suggest that major shifts are occurring in the population and commercial...

  8. Streamflow Analysis and a Comparison of Hydrologic Metrics in Urban Streams

    This study investigates the hydrologic effects of urbanization in two Portland, Oregon streams through a comparison of three hydrologic metrics. Hydrologic metrics used in this study are the mean annual runoff...

  9. A Case Study of the Baldock Restoration Project

    Since the 1980s, homelessness has become an increasingly visible and seemingly intransigent part of American society. It affects not only those who experience it directly, as a condition in their own lives, but...

  10. Informing the Plan - Incorporating Stakeholder Hopes, Dreams, and Concerns: An Assessment of the Creekside District Master...

    In April 2011, the City of Beaverton adopted its Civic Plan Central City Strategy (“the Civic Plan”). The Civic Plan provided a new understanding of the Central City. One of the Civic Plan’s most...
