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Searched for: Natural Areas
  1. Historical and Existing Vascular and Bryophyte Flora, Former Blue Heron Paper Mill, Willamette Falls, Oregon City, Oregon

    Willamette Falls has long been a focus of botanical interest, but industrial development at the site has limited public access for over a century. The closure of the Blue Heron paper mill on the south bank of...

  2. The Effects of Urbanization and Human Disturbance Upon Plant Community Structure and Bird Species Richness, Diversity, and...

    The effects of urbanization and continual human disturbance on the plant and avian communities of Forest Park and forested lands surrounding Portland, Oregon, were studied. I examined characteristics of plant...

  3. Forest Resource Use, Land-Use, and Ecotourism in the Río Plátano Biosphere Reserve, Honduras

    The Río Pláttano Biosphere Reserve, a tropical rainforest reserve in the northeastern corner of Honduras, is home to several subsistence-based indigenous groups, including the Miskito, Pech and Garifuna, as...

  4. Identifying and Defining Natural Service Delivery Systems

    One aspect of reality that professional social workers are experiencing in the course of performing social work is what the authors will refer to as natural service delivery systems. We use this particular term...

  5. Growing Cities Depend on Ecosystem Services

    Many studies have documented the growing fragility of a majority of the globe's ecosystems. Policymakers and resource managers often frame such ecosystem challenges as primarily about protecting natural systems...

  6. Biofouling Management in the Pacific Northwest and Predation on Native versus Non-native Ascidians

    Marine non-native species threaten economic and environmental health, making it crucial to understand factors that make them successful. Research on these species, therefore, allows for greater preparedness and...

  7. Local food and land-use in Washington County, Oregon

    Local food networks are often defined as presenting a variety of alternative food production, consumption, and distribution practices to the conventional food system such as community-supported-agriculture,...

  8. (Re)Presenting Peoples and Storied Lands: Public Presentation of Archaeology and Representation of Native Americans in...

    Every year, hundreds of thousands of people visit the Native American ancestral lands in the western United States developed for tourism and recreation. The stewards of these lands seek to engage visitors and...

  9. A Case Study of the Acceptance of the Tacoma-Pierce County Needle Exchange Program by Three Diverse Groups: Law Enforcement...

    Legitimate and underground needle exchange programs, specifically targeted for intravenous drug users (IVDUs) (i.e., currently the second largest risk group in the AIDS epidemic), have emerged in various...

  10. Does Gender Matter? Human Elephant Conflict in Sri Lanka: A Gendered Analysis of Human Elephant Conflict and Natural Resource...

    This study is a gendered analysis of natural resource management at the local scale of a poor rural Sri Lankan village in a conservation buffer zone. This village experiences destruction of forests and human...

