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Searched for: Natural Areas
  1. General view of the forum


    Attention should be called here to the monuments of Caesar in particular. Stumps of Columns on the right are remains of the Basilica Julia; platform in foreground is the Rostra Julia; mass of ruins in center...

  2. Stillaguamish Spring


    An aerial, color photograph of a fallow field with a homestead area carved out in the middle. A house is surrounded by trees and vehicles, and a short, dirt road leads to an outbuilding area.; 1990

  3. Western Chipmunk


    5. Western Chipmunk - Eutamias quadrivittatus. About 9" long. Has 4 to 6 young per litter. Eats seeds, nuts, buds, fruit, insects. Habitat is all forested areas from sea coast to mountain slopes. Home is a...

  4. Brown Bear (also Black Bear)


    4. Brown Bear (also Black Bear) - Ursus americanus. About 5 feet long. Weighs 200-500 pounds. Has 1-3 young per litter. Practically omniverous. Fond of honey. Habitat is any suitable wooded area. Has den in...

  5. Handbag of teal, golden beige and white woven cotton in striped and intricate patterned bands with simple floral motif


    Handbag of teal, golden beige and white woven cotton in striped and intricate patterned bands with simple floral motif; bag has a square opening that folds closed like an envelope; triangular shape bottom is...

  6. PH037_S00088; 1041; P671


    [View of Castle Lake and surrounding area.]

  7. PH037_S00045; 13665; P652


    [Stream running through meadows at headwaters of Lost River, Three Sisters area, Oregon.]

  8. view 8


    Sculpture of three granite rocks on a grassy lawn. Two lay prone to the ground, while the other leans diagonally in an upright position. The rocks exhibit different textual surfaces with some areas smooth and...

  9. PH037_S00147; S149; 15801; P702


    [View of Deschutes River at Bend, OR.]

  10. Oregon Community of Tomorrow: Oregon Tomorrow, October 1972


