Natural Areas

Natural Areas

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Searched for: Natural Areas
  1. Interactive Genetic Algorithms for watershed planning : an investigation of usability and human-centered design

    Degradation of watersheds is a major concern in areas where adverse climate effects and unsustainable use of the natural resources have caused extensive stresses to watershed systems (e.g., increased floods,...

  2. Survival Rates and Cause-Specific Mortality of Mule Deer in South-Central Oregon

    It is critical for wildlife managers to understand the population dynamics of a harvested

  3. The optimal allocation of watershed conservation funding : a case study of the John Day River Basin, Oregon

    This study determines the optimal allocation of watershed conservation

  4. Identifying factors driving sensitivity to fragmentation in forest breeding songbirds

    Habitat loss and fragmentation are the greatest threats to biodiversity worldwide. Fragmentation impacts landscape configuration, resulting in a larger number of patches that are smaller in size and further...

  5. Contemporary regional forest dynamics in the Pacific Northwest

    Recent climatic warming trends and increases in the frequency and extent of wildfires have prompted much concern regarding the potential for rapid change in the structure and function of forested ecosystems...

  6. Defect Mechanisms in Bismuth-based Perovskites

    The aim of this research is to develop a fundamental understanding of the dominant defect species and the relevant defect equilibrium conditions for bismuth-containing perovskites to help guide the development...
