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Searched for: Natural Areas
  1. Knowing Nature in the City: Comparative Analysis of Knowledge Systems Challenges Along the "Eco-Techno" Spectrum of Green...

    Green infrastructure development is desired in many municipalities because of its potential to address pressing environmental and social issues. However, despite technical optimism, institutional challenges...

  2. Making South Downtown Portland

    Principals that guided the project:

  3. Periodic Atlas of the of the Metroscape: Warming Up the City - Mapping the hottest (literally) neighborhoods of Portland

    Vivek Shandas and Jackson Voelkel show us how urban head varies by characteristics of a neighborhood's built and natural environment. The Atlas reminds us to be aware of the potential impact on those most...

  4. Informing the Plan - Incorporating Stakeholder Hopes, Dreams, and Concerns: An Assessment of the Creekside District Master...

    In April 2011, the City of Beaverton adopted its Civic Plan Central City Strategy (“the Civic Plan”). The Civic Plan provided a new understanding of the Central City. One of the Civic Plan’s most...

  5. Developing High-Resolution Descriptions of Urban Heat Islands: A Public Health Imperative

    Extreme heat events affect the most vulnerable human populations and are a lethal health hazard to urban dwellers globally; in the United States, extreme heat causes more deaths annually than all other weather...

  6. Trade-offs: The Production of Sustainability in Households

    Over the past half-century, environmental problems have become increasingly serious and seemingly intractable, and a careless, clueless, or contemptuous consumer is often portrayed as the root cause of this...

  7. Improving Trip Generation Methods for Livable Communities

    Recent efforts to improve trip generation data available for transportation impact analysis of new development include the collection of multimodal trip generation data, development of models that account for...

  8. Beyond the Screen: Uneven Geographies, Digital Labour, and the City of Cognitive-Cultural Capitalism

    In this paper, we demonstrate that an examination of the socio-environmental impacts of digital ICTs remains a fruitless enterprise without “materializing” digital labour. We suggest one approach to...