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Searched for: Plants
  1. Forested plant associations of the Colville National Forest

    A classification of forest vegetation is presented for the Colville National Forest in northeastern

  2. The effect of diversity and spatial arrangement on biomass of agricultural cultivars and native plant species

    Species and cultivar combinations have been relatively well studied, though little

  3. Oregon listed plants


    This archived document is maintained by the Oregon State Library as part of the Oregon Documents Depository Program. It is for informational purposes and may not be suitable for legal purposes.

  4. Invertebrate Community Composition Across Inundation Regimes and Its Potential to Reduce Plant Stress

    Appreciation of the ecological and economic values associated with healthy salt marshes has led to a recent rise in the number of marshes that are being targeted for restoration by dike removal. The success of...

  5. Principal indicator species of forested plant associations on national forests in northeastern Oregon and southeastern...

  6. Alphabetized list of common names with scientific names of plants and animals mentioned: Appendix I

  7. Comparison of the water relations characteristics of woody plants in western Oregon

  8. Reproduction, demography, and habitat characterization of Astragalus peckii (Fabaceae), a rare central Oregon endemic

    With little previous research on Astragalus peckii (Fabaceae), a state-listed

  9. A comparison of the rates and paths of metabolism of 2, 4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid in resistant and susceptible plants

    Studies on the absorption of C¹⁴ carboxyl labeled 2, 4-dichlorophenoxyacetic

  10. Population characteristics of exotic plants in a Willamette Valley native prairie

