Protected Areas

Protected Areas

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Searched for: Protected Areas
  1. Under the Sea: An evaluation of the establishment and continued effectiveness of the Galápagos National Park and Marine...

    Conservation of natural resources has become a new watchword of the scientific community. While many terrestrial ecosystems are well protected, marine ecosystems have only recently come to the forefront. Marine...

  2. Delineation of a drinking water protection area: groundwater sources


    This archived document is maintained by the Oregon State Library as part of the Oregon Documents Depository Program. It is for informational purposes and may not be suitable for legal purposes.

  3. Foraging ecology, diving behavior, and migration patterns of harbor seals (Phoca vitulina richardii) from a glacial fjord in...

    Understanding the movement behavior and foraging strategies of individuals across multiple spatial and temporal scales is essential not only for understanding the biological requirements of individuals but also...

  4. Mt. Emily fuels reduction project environmental assessment and decision notice/FONSI

    204 pp. Tables, maps, illus.

  5. Mt. Emily fuels reduction project environmental assessment and decision notice/FONSI

    204 pp. Tables, maps, illus. T 1 and 2 S, R 37, and 38 E. Captured May 29, 2008.

  6. Sustainable communities & ecotourism in Uganda: the Katonga Wetlands Conservation Project

    Perhaps more than any other region of the world, Africa’s dependence on natural resources makes it especially vulnerable to environmental change. To confront the growing social and natural problems, many...

  7. Vertical Zoning in Marine Protected Areas: Ecological Considerations for Balancing Pelagic Fishing with Conservation of...

    Marine protected areas (MPAs), ideally, manage human uses that threaten ecosystems, or components of ecosystems. During several recent MPA designation processes, concerns have arisen over the scientific...

  8. The Complementarity of No-Take Marine Reserves and Catch Shares for Managing The Coral Reef Line Fishery of The Great Barrier...

    Abstract only.

  9. Development and implementation of a fish monitoring program for the Port Honduras Marine Reserve, Punta Gorda, Toledo...

    Marine protected areas are increasingly popular tools for fisheries conservation and

  10. North Steens ecosystem restoration project draft environmental impact statement

    214 pp. Tables, glossary, references, index.

