Protected Areas

Protected Areas

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Searched for: Protected Areas
  1. Wholesale waterfowl destruction in the Klamath Country


    Manuscript discusses how the waterfowl in Klamath country are now protected from hunters by game laws. The Bureau of Reclamation destroyed areas of sanctuary for waterfowl because the demand for land for...

  2. Best trout stream and trout surveys


    Two manuscripts are featured in this document. The first discusses how the Deschutes River is an ideal place for trout, not only for sport but for the fish to inhabit. The river benefits from the lack of silt...

  3. General view over a cantonment


    No action taken by Congress since the declaration of war against Germany had as important bearing on the outcome of the War as the authorization of the selective draft. Before its enactment it loomed like a...

  4. Bowling green


    Fort Amsterdam was erected on the site of the present Custom House facing Bowling Green. At this time the island ended there. The extreme lower edge, occupied now by streets to South Ferry and the Battery Park...

