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  1. Yaquina River Basin Master Plan for Angler Access and Associated Recreational Uses

    Abstract -- This report details a plan that we hope can be followed to solve the access problems of the Yaquina River Basin. Too, we hope that all agencies that are interested in retaining existing water access...

  2. Oregon Beaches and Estuaries (Central Coast) Master Plan for Angler Access and Associated Recreational Uses

    Abstract -- This report details a plan that we hope can be followed to solve the access problems of the Central Coast Access Plan. Too, we hope that all agencies that are interested in retaining existing water...

  3. Lower Snake River Compensation Plan; Oregon Spring Chinook Salmon Evaluation Studies - 2016 Annual Progress Report

    Abstract -- This annual progress report summarizes spring-summer Chinook Salmon monitoring data collected by ODFW for the Lower Snake River Compensation Plan (LSRCP) facilities in 2015. Also summarized are the...

  4. DRAFT Lower Columbia River Chinook in Oregon Freshwater Fisheries of the Lower Columbia River Mainstem and Tributaries...

    Abstract -- This Fisheries Management and Evaluation Plan (FMEP) specifies the future management of recreational and commercial fisheries potentially affecting listed lower Columbia River chinook salmon. Five...

  5. Oregon's Coastal Chinook, A Summary

    Abstract -- Whether they are landed by anglers

  6. A Proposal for an Integrated Research Monitoring Program for Oregon Coastal Chinook Populations

    Abstract -- Among the many chinook salmon populations contributing to large, mixed stock ocean

  7. Draft - Trout and Warm Water Fish Running Waters

    Abstract -- Running Waters: Running waters include the main Rogue, Applegate, and Illinois rivers, and all associated tributary streams in the Rogue River basin. Historical information on trout in the Rogue...

  8. Biological Assessment of the Impacts to Wild Winter Steelhead on the Umpqua River from the Recreational Fishery and 2004...

    Abstract -- Oregon Sport Fishing Regulations allow winter steelhead angling in all the Umpqua River Basin, which includes Smith River, the mainstem Umpqua River, North Umpqua River, and South Umpqua River...
