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Rural Communities

Rural Communities

Data about crime and abuse in a community illustrate the extent to which atypical, anti-social...
Statistics aren't the only way to learn about rural communities in Oregon. In this section of the...
Based on the Rural Communities Explorers definition of communities, a community has several...
Data about education illustrate the prevalence of various education levels of adults and the...
Data about race and ethnicity illustrate the homogeneity, heterogeneity, and extent of...
A Place to Call Home The state borders of Oregon, California, and Nevada intersect in the high...
Excerpted from: Goodman, Robert M., Marjorie A. Speers, Kenneth Mcleroy, Stephen Fawcett...
The environment is as simple - and as complicated - as our surroundings. It's simply the land...
Data about health and mortality illustrate the extent and distribution of physical...
Economic resources are those financial assests a community can draw upon to further local...
