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Rural Communities

Rural Communities

Home Topics Rural Communities Reports & Publications


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Searched for: Rural Communities
  1. Community Solutions: Moving Toward Brownfield Redevelopment

    Urban growth boundaries are intended to encourage more development within the existing developed areas and save rural lands from urban sprawl. If this is true, why are there so many large areas of vacant land...

  2. Unblighting the Burbs: Renewing the Edges

    The term “urban blight” conjures up images of the stereotypical devastated American inner city: drunks and drug addicts sitting against graffiti-splattered walls, decaying buildings with broken windows...

  3. Wildlife Crossings: Rethinking Road Design to Improve Safety and Reconnect Habitat

    This guidebook provides Portland-area planners with relevant information about wildlife crossings in an urban context. While information on wildlife crossings and their effectiveness has been available for a...
