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Rural Communities

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Searched for: Rural Communities
  1. AS 07-24-07 Interview with Ricky (Last Name Withheld)

    Didn’t record this one so here are the CQ [community questionnaire] questions I did get. Ricky is a volunteer at the Faith Center, but he is also a client and receives food, and often takes the leftover bread...

  2. CE 07-21-07 Interview with Bill Black

    Saturday, July 21, 2007 9:42 a.m.

  3. AG 07-22-07 Interview with Jennifer Pittman

    I interviewed Jennifer while the Staubs were having a BBQ for their new neighbors. She is a student at OIT in Klamath and home for the summer in Lakeview. She seemed happy to do the interview and was a valuable...

  4. CAJ 07-29-07 Interview with Vicki Huck

    This interview was conducted in the community center in Paisley. It was after the Pancake breakfast and raffle, people were cleaning up. We had walked by Vicki How-ard’s garden several times, and just admired...

  5. PL 07-18-07 Interview with Tillie Flynn

    •General Manager of Lake County Examiner (Lake County Newspaper)

  6. Generating rural options for Weight: Healthy Kids and Communities: examining the rural family home nutrition and physical...

    Childhood health is a strong determinant of adult health, including overweight and obesity. Rural children and adults experience a greater obesity prevalence compared to children and adults living in more...

  7. Latinos, loggers and old hippies : rural revitalization in the Pacific Northwest

    This ethnography looks at the processes a rural Oregon community is undergoing as some members attempt to re-animate the community by creating a community center after the loss of its school and market, two...

  8. “We’ll Be That Kid That You Think We Are” : The Influences of Stigma and Interactions with Important Adults on Youth...

    Adolescence is a developmental stage marked by crystallization in individuals’ sense of identity (Erikson, 1994; Harter, 1999). Research on positive youth development stresses the ways in which thriving...

  9. Demographic Determinants of Perceived Barriers to Community Involvement: Examining Rural/Urban Differences

    This is an author's peer-reviewed final manuscript, as accepted by the publisher. The article is copyrighted by the Authors and published by Sage Publications for the Association For Research On Nonprofit...

  10. Looking toward the future: examining aspirations and sense of purpose among rural youth.

    In light of recent economic and social changes rural communities continue to worry about the future of their young people. Will they be prepared for the challenges that lay ahead as they move into adulthood?...

