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Searched for: Rural Communities
  1. School Food in Lakeview

    This paper explores the school food system in Lakeview, Oregon and the consequences of the community's changing economic status.

  2. Health Consciousness in Lakeview

    This paper explores the meaning of healthy eating in Lakeview, Oregon. It focuses on what community members think about the food available in the community primarily through restaurants and grocery stores. ...

  3. CAJ 07-29-07 Interview with Vicki Huck

    This interview was conducted in the community center in Paisley. It was after the Pancake breakfast and raffle, people were cleaning up. We had walked by Vicki How-ard’s garden several times, and just admired...

  4. PL 07-18-07 Interview with Tillie Flynn

    •General Manager of Lake County Examiner (Lake County Newspaper)

  5. AS 07-24-07 Interview with Ricky (Last Name Withheld)

    Didn’t record this one so here are the CQ [community questionnaire] questions I did get. Ricky is a volunteer at the Faith Center, but he is also a client and receives food, and often takes the leftover bread...

  6. CE 07-21-07 Interview with Bill Black

    Saturday, July 21, 2007 9:42 a.m.

  7. AG 07-22-07 Interview with Jennifer Pittman

    I interviewed Jennifer while the Staubs were having a BBQ for their new neighbors. She is a student at OIT in Klamath and home for the summer in Lakeview. She seemed happy to do the interview and was a valuable...