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Searched for: Soils
  1. Effects of Aldrin, a chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticide, on soil microorganisms and their activities related to soil...

  2. Influence of carbon:nitrogen ratio on microbial respiration by pure and mixed cultures in soil and synthetic media

  3. Root symbionts and soil microorganisms associated with actinorrhizal plants

    Symbiotic associations are established between non-leguminous

  4. Decomposition of four species of leaf material in three replicate streams with different nitrate input.

    Completion report for research project sponsored by the Office of Water Research and Technology, USDI, and in part by the National Science Foundation, Coniferous Forest Biome I. B. P. Grant.

  5. The effect of added available nitrogen on carbon dioxide evolution from soil treated with sawdust and other organic additions

  6. Evaluation of an automated respiration method used in assessing the toxicity of zinc on soil microorganisms

  7. The Role of Plant-soil Feedback in the Invasion of Brachypodium sylvaticum in Douglas-fir Forests

    Invasive plants have the capacity to transform landscapes and alter ecosystem function, causing significant economic and ecological damage. These effects include displacement and reduction of native flora and...

  8. Factors affecting a bioassay for Agrobacterium tumefaciens in natural soil

    Tomato seedlings were used to assay the population of A.

  9. Soil and rumen microbial responses to photooxidized grass straw

    Straw has many uses, as feed, roughage, animal bedding, but

  10. The decomposition of 2-chloro-4-ethylamino-6-isopropylamino-S-triazine (atrazine) and related s-triazine herbicides by soil...

    Atrazine, atratone and ametryne are asymmetric s-triazine

