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Searched for: Vegetation
  1. Effect of irrigation level, insecticide and variety on root rot and yield of sweet corn: Research report to the Agricultural...


  2. Puncturevine and hairy nightshade management: Research report submitted to the Agricultural Research Foundation and the...

    The objectives of this project were to evaluate the efficacy of common row crop herbicides for control of puncturevine, and determine the effect of post harvest weed management strategies on hairy nightshade...

  3. Weed management in sweet corn and other rotational crops: Research report to the Agricultural Research Foundation and the...

    Impact herbicide efficacy, crop tolerance, and carryover studies.

  4. Weed control in table beets: Research report to the Agricultural Research Foundation and the Oregon Processed Vegetable...

    Weed management is a continual challenge to Oregon table beet growers. Research over the last several years has documented that s-metolachlor (Dual Magnum) will substantially improve weed control and crop...

  5. Weed control in table beets and carrots: Research report to the Oregon Processed Vegetable Commission, 2008

    Projects evaluated the potential of controlling hairy nightshade with tankmixes of ethofumesate