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Searched for: Vegetation
  1. Assessment of impacts of Canada geese on wheat production

    Numbers of wild Canada geese (Branta canadensis) have increased dramatically during the past 30 years in the lower Columbia and Willamette Valley systems. The damage they cause by grazing and trampling plants...

  2. Understory vegetation response and nitrogen cycling following cutting of western juniper

    Since the late 1880's western juniper has expanded in range and

  3. Conditioning bunchgrass on elk winter range

    Research was conducted near the Starkey Experimental Forest and Range in

  4. Quality of bluebunch wheatgrass (Agropyron spicatum) as a winter range forage for Rocky Mountain Elk (Cervus elaphus nelsoni)...

    This research was conducted on three study areas on elk winter

  5. Succession functions of forest pathogens and insects : ecosections M332a and M333d in northern Idaho and western Montana ;...

    We analyzed the effects of pathogens and insects on forest succession in the absence of

  6. Community profiles of ammonia oxidizers across high-elevation forest-to-meadow transects

    In recent years considerable interest has been shown in the diversity of ammonia-oxidizing

  7. Hydrologic and vegetation responses associated with restoration of wetlands in the Willamette Valley, Oregon

    I examined hydrological and plant community changes associated with the

  8. The influence of prescribed fire on the rare endemic plant Delphinium pavonaceum (Peacock larkspur)

    In the wetland prairie of William L. Finley National Wildlife Refuge (FNWR) in

  9. Population demography, resource use, and movement in cooperatively breeding Micronesian Kingfishers

    Island systems and species are susceptible to extinction because of their small population size and an ecological naiveté from an evolutionary past lacking strong competition and predation. For example, only...

  10. The Response to Sulforaphane in Metastatic Prostate Cancer Cells

    Sulforaphane is an isothiocyanate derived from cruciferous vegetables and has been under investigation as a cancer chemopreventive agent for over two decades. The compound is well tolerated and has been shown...

