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Searched for: Watersheds
  1. Quantifying the Impacts of Initial Condition and Model Uncertainty on Hydrological Forecasts

    Forecasts of hydrological information are vital for many of society's functions. Availability of water is a requirement for any civilization, and this necessitates quantitative estimates of water for effective...

  2. Chinookan Villages of the Lower Columbia

    Villages were the center of Chinookan life, filling the role that tribes did for Native people in other parts of North America. Every village of any size or significance had a recognized leader or chief, and...

  3. A Landscape Approach to Determining and Predicting Juvenile Coho Salmon (<i>Oncorhynchus kisutch</i>) Movement Timing and...

    Coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) rely on unique habitats during the winter season, which may dictate how much individuals may grow and when migration from freshwater rearing habitat to the ocean occurs. Here...

  4. High-Performance Computing for Drought Prediction

    In recent decades, there has been considerable interest in using satellite soil moisture data to examine the global water-energy cycle and manage water resources. Current satellites are limited in their sensing...

  5. Beyond Broken Pumps and Promises: Rethinking Intent and Impact in Environmental Health

    Global environmental health efforts are motivated by a sense of common responsibility. These programs take forms small and large, from community churches to the World Bank. The methods likewise take varying,...

  6. Glacier Status and Contribution to Streamflow in the Olympic Mountains, USA

    The Olympic Peninsula, Washington, USA, currently holds 184 alpine glaciers larger than 0.01 km² and their combined area is 30.2 ± 0.95km². Only four glaciers are >1km² and 120 of the others are -¹...

  7. Modeling the effectiveness of riparian restoration on stream shading in the Clackamas River Basin

    Rivers and streams within the Clackamas River Basin are not currently meeting water quality standards in terms of temperature. The Clackamas River Basin Council (CRBC) designed a restoration program to address...

  8. Modeling Historical Meander Bends Reconnection on the lower Long Tom River in Lane Co. and Benton Co., OR

    Since the damming and channelization of the lower Long Tom River in the 1940s and 1950s, the quality and quantity of habitat for coastal cutthroat trout and spring Chinook salmon in the watershed has...

  9. Cross-trained local capacity for integrated wildfire managment

    2 pages

  10. Local capacity for integrated forest and wildfire management

    28 pages

