Wildfire Risk

Wildfire Risk

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Searched for: Wildfire Risk
  1. Wildfire Risk as a Socioecological Pathology

    Wildfire risk in temperate forests has become a nearly intractable problem that can be characterized as a socioecological “pathology”: that is, a set of complex and problematic interactions among social and...

  2. Community experiences with wildfire : actions, effectiveness, impacts, and trends : results from two surveys in counties and...

    24 pages

  3. Sawmills, biomass facilities, and hazardous fuels reduction : does location matter?

    2 pages

  4. Network Analysis of Wildfire Transmission and Implications for Risk Governance

    We characterized wildfire transmission and exposure within a matrix of large land tenures (federal, state, and private) surrounding 56 communities within a 3.3 million ha fire prone region of central Oregon US....

  5. Would You Like Fires with That? Using Stakeholder-Derived Forest Management Preference Maps to Model Landscape-level Fuel...

    Management of public lands in the U.S. aims to achieve multiple goals relating to ecological function, wildlife habitat, support of local economies, and recreation; and in fire-prone landscapes these goals are...

  6. Advancing Characterization of Social Diversity in the Wildland-Urban Interface: An Indicator Approach for Wildfire Management

    A growing body of research indicates that communities at risk from wildfire differ in terms of the local social context that influences adaptive planning, mitigations or collective actions. Less work has...

  7. Fire suppression costs and impacts of the 2008 wildfires in Trinity County, California

    8 pages
