Wildfire Risk

Wildfire Risk

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Searched for: Wildfire Risk
  1. Wildfire Risk as a Socioecological Pathology

    Wildfire risk in temperate forests has become a nearly intractable problem that can be characterized as a socioecological “pathology”: that is, a set of complex and problematic interactions among social and...

  2. Cross-trained local capacity for integrated wildfire managment

    2 pages

  3. Assessing the Impacts of Federal Forest Planning on Wildfire Risk Mitigation in the Pacific Northwest, USA

    We analyzed the impact of amenity and biodiversity protection as mandated in national forest plans on the implementation of hazardous fuel reduction treatments aimed at protecting the wildland urban interface...

  4. Effectiveness of Fuel Treatments for Mitigating Wildfire Risk and Sequestering Forest Carbon: A Case Study in the Lake Tahoe...

    Fuel-reduction treatments are used extensively to reduce wildfire risk and restore forest diversity and function. In the near future, increasing regulation of carbon (C) emissions may force forest managers to...

  5. Community diversity and wildfire risk : an archetype approach to understanding local capacity to plan for, respond to, and...

    20 pages

  6. Local capacity for integrated forest and wildfire management

    28 pages

  7. Nevada Community Wildfire Risk/Hazard Assessment Project-Elko County

  8. Nevada Community Wildfire Risk/Hazard Assessment Project-Nye County

  9. Nevada Community Wildfire Risk/Hazard Assessment Project-North Lake Tahoe Fire Protection District

  10. Nevada Community Wildfire Risk/Hazard Assessment Project-Washoe County Excluding the Tahoe Basin
