Wildfire Risk

Wildfire Risk

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Searched for: Wildfire Risk
  1. Probabilistic assessment of wildfire hazard and municipal watershed exposure

    This is the publisher’s final pdf. The published article is copyrighted by Springer and can be found at: http://www.springer.com/earth+sciences+and+geography/natural+hazards/journal/11069. To the best of our...

  2. LaPine Community Wildfire Protection Plan

    The mission of the Greater La Pine Community Wildfire Protection Plan is to protect

  3. Greater Bend Community Wildfire Protection Plan

    This document outlines the priorities, strategies and action plans for fuels reduction treatments in the greater Bend wildland urban interface. This CWPP also addresses special areas of concern and makes...

  4. AgerAssessingImpactsFederalForestSupplementaryData.pdf

  5. Jefferson County Community Wildfire Protection Plan

    In March of 2005, Jefferson County decided to complete a Community Wildfire Protection Plan. The CWPP for

  6. Comment on ‘‘Post-Wildfire Logging Hinders Regeneration and Increases Fire Risk’’

    To the best of our knowledge, one or more authors of this paper were federal employees when contributing to this work. This is the publisher’s final pdf. The published article is copyrighted by the American...

  7. Documentation of land use plan conformance and NEPA adequacy (DNA) : worksheet

  8. Spatial patterns of fuel management activities and their effects on wildfire behavior

    Fuel management has been used as an effective local strategy to reduce the

  9. Social science in fuel management : an annotated bibliography on prescribed fire

    This annotated bibliography is collected from professional journals

  10. Umatilla County : Community Wildfire Protection Plan

    [This Plan focuses] resources on the forested areas of the county since that landscape more nearly meets the criteria for wildland-urban interface. The project area for the CWPP encompasses the eastern and...
