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Searched for: Wildlife
  1. Oregon Wildlife; Vol.39 No.8 (November-December 1984)

    Contents: What do Elk Hunters Want? - p.3-6; Salmon Begin Fall Run - p.7; Playing Radio Tag in the Wilds [Radio tags on wildlife] - p.8-9; Watchable Wildlife in Central Oregon - p.10-11; Deer Mouse - p.13

  2. Oregon Wildlife; Vol.37 No.4 (April 1982)

    Contents: Roosevelt Elk - An Historical Look - p.3-6; The Oregon Wildlife Heritage Foundation: Wildlife's New Benefactor - p.8-9; Another Turkey Transplant [Rio Grande turkeys in Klamath County] - p.10-11;...

  3. Oregon Wildlife; Vol.30 No.12 (December 1975)

    Contents: Ochoco Reservoir: A History of Change - p.3-5; The Kenneth Denman Wildlife Management Area - p.6; Cool Time at the Coast [Winter wildlife at the beach] - p.8-9; Fresh Scallops for Dinner - p.10;...

  4. Oregon Wildlife; Vol.34 No.3 (March 1979)

    Contents: Columbia River Colossus: The White Sturgeon - p.3-8; The Pacific Newts - p.9; Support Watchable Wildlife - p.10; Oregon Hunting Accidents - 1978 - p.11; A Cold Day in Hell [Winter wildlife struggles]...

  5. Oregon Wildlife; Vol.38 No.11 (November 1983)

    Contents: To Conserve the Rockfish Resource - p.3-6; The Columbia River Gill-Net Fishery - p.8-11; Whistling Swan - p.13; Outdoorsmen Help Wildlife by Installing Guzzlers [Wildlife watering devices] - p.14

  6. Oregon Wildlife; Vol.31 No.1 (January 1977)

    Contents: Enforcing Oregon's Fish and Wildlife Laws - p.3-6; Opening Weekend with the State Police - p.8-9; Court Disposition of Fish and Wildlife Law Violations - p.11-12

  7. Oregon Wildlife; Vol.45 No.3-5 (September-October 1989)

    Contents: An Interview with Harry Wagner - p.4-7; Fish, Wildlife, and the Legislature - p.8-11; Fish, Restoration & Enhancement, Protecting Oregon's Investment - p.12-15; Managing Oregon's Wildlife Part 3: A...

  8. Oregon Wildlife; Vol.56 No.1 (May/June 2000)

    Contents: Naturescaping [Creating and maintaining wildlife-friendly environments] - p.4-9; Songs to Celebrate [Songbird migration] - p.10-14; Happenin' Hatcheries [Hatchery management] - p.15-23; Natural...

  9. Oregon Wildlife; Vol.31 No.2 (February 1976)

    Contents: The Great Moose Adventure [Introduction of moose into Oregon] - p.3-5; Litter and Wildlife - p.6; New Study on Keating Deer Range - p.7; What's Muddying the Water [Coastal rivers] - p.8-9

  10. Oregon Wildlife; Vol.31 No.3 (March 1976)

    Contents: Director Announces Retirement - p.2, 5; Elkhorn Wildlife Area - p.3-4; A Native Oregonian You Should Get to Know [Cutthroat trout] - p.6-7; A Silent Friend [Owls] - p.8-9

