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Searched for: Wildlife
  1. Oregon Wildlife; Vol.31 No.11 (November 1976)

    Contents: Diamond Lake Range Management - p.3-5; Oregon's Gray Squirrels - p.6-7; A Snag in the System [Decaying trees as wildlife habitats] - p.8-9; Counting the Elusive Ones [Deer inventory] - p.10

  2. Oregon Wildlife; Vol.31 No.12 (December 1976)

    Contents: Mountain Goats of the Wallowas - p.3-4; 1977 Proposed Legislation - p.5; Food for Elk [Increasing elk numbers] - p.6-7; Capturing Wildlife on Film - p.10-12

  3. Oregon Wildlife; Vol.33 No.3 (March 1978)

    Contents: Oregon's Wildlife Smorgasbord - p.3-6; Operation Antelope [Relocating a herd] - p.8-9; Sea Otter Decline Seen in Oregon - p.10; Improved Coho Salmon Survival Sought for the Northwest - p.10

  4. Oregon Wildlife; Vol.33 No.10 (October 1978)

    Contents: Saints or Sinners [Seals and sea lions] - p.3-5; A Look at Harvester Ants - p.6-7; First Hunter Ed Silver Award Given - p.7; 1978 Game Bird Prospects - p.9; United States and Mexico Sign Wildlife...

  5. Oregon Wildlife; Vol.34 No.12 (December 1979)

    Contents: Why Wild Coho? - p.3-7; Wild Pets and Rabies - p.8-10; Rabies in Oregon - p.11; Weasel - p.12; Wildlife News on the Air [Oregon radio stations] - p.14

  6. Oregon Wildlife; Vol.36 No.12 (December 1981)

    Contents: Estuaries - p.3-8; Anatomy of a Bay - p.8-9; The Pacific Lamprey - p.9; Poachers Should be CAWT [Catch A Wildlife Thief to raise public awareness on poaching] - p.10-11; Monty Montgomery Named Deputy...

  7. Oregon Wildlife; Vol.29 No.1 (January 1974)

    Contents: The Wildlife Commission - p.3-5; Historical Highlights - p.6-7

  8. Oregon Wildlife; Vol.30 No.8 (August 1975)

    Contents: Historical Highlights - p.2; Transition [Becoming the Department of Fish and Wildlife] - p.3-5; Oregon Imports Wild Mountain Goats - p.8-9; Cold Branding [Marking fish for research] - p.10; Shad...

  9. Oregon Wildlife; Vol.29 No.8 (August 1974)

    Contents: Oregon Snakes - p.3-8; Wasted Energy in Wildlife Conservation - p.10; New Game Planes - p.12

  10. Oregon Wildlife; Vol.30 No.11 (November 1975)

    Contents: Complexities of Wildlife Research - p.3-5; Camp Creek: Rebirth of a Section - p.6-7; Drift Boat Shocking [Eliminating unwanted fish] - p.8-9; Scrambled Heritage [Mankind and resources] - p.11
