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Lakes Basin

Lakes Basin

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Searched for: Lakes Basin
  1. Interactions Among Fuel Management, Species Composition, Bark Beetles, and Climate Change and the Potential Effects on...

    Climate-driven increases in wildfires, drought conditions, and insect outbreaks are critical threats to forest carbon stores. In particular, bark beetles are important disturbance agents although their...

  2. Fish Management Plan Upper Klamath Lake and Agency Lake 1981

    Abstract -- Upper Klamath Lake is Oregon's largest lake. It lies north of Klamath Falls and is the focal point of the upper Klamath Basin. Agency Lake lies just north of Klamath Lake and the two are connected...

  3. Evolution and risk in conservation of Pacific salmon

    Identifying appropriate units for conservation requires knowledge of evolutionary

  4. The Water Report - Taking and water rights: constitutional & contractual remedies for government takings


    Only portions of issues of The Water Report are available in the Klamath Waters Digital Library. See the full report at

  5. Palynological Perspectives on Younger Dryas to Early Holocene Human Ecology at Paisley Caves, Oregon

    The Younger Dryas climatic event is a global phenomenon associated with a 1,000 year return to glacial conditions during the late Pleistocene period between 12,800 and 11,500 cal BP. Because of its significant...

  6. Ground water conditions in the Fort Rock Basin, northern Lake County, Oregon


    This archived document is maintained by the Oregon State Library as part of the Oregon Documents Depository Program. It is for informational purposes and may not be suitable for legal purposes.

  7. Paleosol data from Kenya.

    These data were collected to evaluate the changing vegetation and paleoclimate of Kenya over the past 20 million years, and its relevance for human evolution. Data was collected in several areas of Kenya with...

  8. Dwarf Mistletoe-host interactions in mixed-conifer forests in the Sierra Nevada

    We determined the spatial pattern of dwarf mistletoe (Arceuthobium

  9. Using GIS to analyze the relationships between open space and property values

    The conservation of open space will become increasingly important as

  10. Climate and Bark Beetle Effects on Forest Productivity — Linking Dendroecology with Forest Landscape Modeling

    In forested systems throughout the world, climate influences tree growth and aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP). The effects of extreme climate events (i.e., drought) on ANPP can be compounded by...

