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Coast, Ocean, and Marine

Coast, Ocean, and Marine

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Searched for: Coast, Ocean, and Marine
  1. Distribution and community structure of ichthyoplankton off the coast of Oregon, USA, in 2000 and 2002

    The published version of this article is copyrighted by Inter-Research and can be found here:

  2. Informing Oregon's Marine Protected Area (MPA) Baseline: Past and Present Tribal Uses of Marine Resources

    Native American tribes with ancestral land adjacent to the coast have gathered, hunted, and fished marine resources for millennia. In 2012, the state of Oregon designated five marine sites as reserves in which...

  3. Microbial diversity, metabolic potential, and transcriptional activity along the inner continental shelf of the Northeast...

    Continental shelves located along eastern boundary currents occupy relatively small volumes of the world’s oceans, yet are responsible for a large proportion of global primary production. The Oregon coast is...

  4. Dietary responses of marine predators to variable oceanographic conditions in the Northern California Current

    Variable ocean conditions can greatly impact lower trophic level prey assemblages in marine ecosystems, with effects propagating up to higher trophic levels. Our goal was to better understand how varying ocean...

  5. Conversion of Wave Characteristics to Actual Electric Energy/Power Potentials: Program Development Grant Report

    This report presents an assessment of the wave power potential of the Oregon coast and how much of that power can actually be converted into useful energy, based on analysis of the conversion efficiency of the...

  6. Evaluating Community Engagement in Wave Energy Siting off the Oregon Coast

    The ocean off Oregon's coast is a busy place with many activities occurring that can sometimes be in competition or cooperation. Deciding how new uses fit with existing ocean uses is complex, but there are some...

  7. Crustal structure of the northwestern continental margin of the Indian subcontinent from gravity and magnetic data

    The continental margin off the coast of Pakistan between the

  8. Oregon coastal juvenile rockfish study

    Document contains pagination errors.

  9. Baseline Characterization and Monitoring of the OSU Mobile Ocean Test Berth Site: Benthic Habitat Characteristics and...

    This project was carried out collaboratively by Oregon State University (OSU) scientists and involved participation by Oregon Department of Fisheries and Wildlife and NOAA Northwest Fisheries Science Center...

  10. Habitat suitability and uncertainty : a Bayesian approach to mapping benthic invertebrate distributions

    Mitigating for increased human impact to the seafloor associated with resource extraction activities and renewable energy development can benefit from an understanding of the distribution of sensitive marine...

