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Collaborative Groups

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Searched for: Collaborative Groups
  1. North Portland Greenway Trail Strategic Plan

    Grow Willamette Greenway was initiated through a partnership between npGreenway and Willamette Planning Studio, a group of six Portland State University graduate students in the Masters of Urban and Regional...

  2. Debord, Constant, and the Politics of Situationist Urbanism

    In the first years of its existence between 1957 and 1960 the efforts of the radical collective the Situationist International (SI) centred on its program of "unitary urbanism." This program sought to challenge...

  3. More than a Citation Manager: Zotero for Scalable Embedded Librarianship and Instructional Assessment

    Purpose – This paper aims to describe a new application of Zotero, a citation management system, for embedded librarianship and assessment. It explores student reception of this approach and maps Zotero’s...

  4. Web Traffic and Campus Trends: A Multi-Institution Analysis

    Ordinarily, it is difficult to generalize operational research conducted at one library to the environment of another. Different survey instruments, user populations, and sampling techniques make direct...

  5. Group Faultline Theory - A Study with Respect to Five Cultural Dimensions

    Diversity in cross-cultural teams is inevitable. When people with unique backgrounds are working together in a team, the formation of subgroups may be expected. This phenomenon is also known as the development...

  6. Formal course design and the student learning experience

    What impact does collaboration between faculty and professional course designers have on the student learning experience? As the use of technologies increases, educational institutions have to find ways of...

  7. The Courts and the Making of a Chinese Immigrant Community in Portland, Oregon, 1850-1910

    This thesis studies the development of the Portland, Oregon Chinese immigrant community between 1850 and 1910. Chinese immigrants first arrived in Portland in the mid-1850s and quickly created businesses as...

  8. Working in an Artist Collective in Portland Oregon: The artistic benefits of cooperation and place in an underground art...

    This ethnography explores the underground art world in Portland, Oregon by showing how a Portland area artist collective, Oregon Painting Society, navigates their art world. Participant observation, in-depth...

  9. Prospective Elementary Mathematics Teacher Content Knowledge: An Introduction

    This Special Issue on the mathematical content knowledge of prospective elementary teachers (PTs) provides summaries of the extant peer-­‐reviewed research literature from 1978 to 2012 on PTs’ content...

  10. Assessing Usual Care in Clinical Trials

    Researchers designing clinical trials often specify usual care received by participants as the control condition expecting that all participants receive usual care regardless of group assignment. The assumption...

