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Searched for: Health and Wellness
  1. The association of epiphytic macrolichens and bryophytes with riparian stand types along a valley continuum, Oregon Coast...

    I surveyed epiphytic macrolichens and bryophytes in six stands in each of

  2. Development and use of satellite-derived sea-surface temperature data for the nearshore North Pacific and Arctic Oceans :...

    The quantification and description of sea surface temperature (SST) is critically important because it can influence the distribution, migration, and invasion of marine species; furthermore, SSTs are expected...

  3. A Two-element CZT-based Radioxenon Detection System for Nuclear Weapon Test Monitoring

    Detection of xenon radioisotopes (radioxenons) has proven to be an important method for detecting nuclear explosions and is particularly well suited for detecting undeclared underground testing. The radioxenon...

  4. Experimental study of impulse turbines and permanent magnet alternators for pico-hydropower generation

    Increasing access to modern forms of energy in developing countries is a

  5. "Because we didn't have nowhere to go" : residential instability among rural low-income families

    The purpose of this study was to identify and examine risk and protective factors

  6. FACT SHEET: BLM, USFS Greater Sage-Grouse Conservation Effort

    Effective conservation of the greater sage-grouse and its habitat requires a collaborative, landscape-scale, science-based approach that includes strong federal plans, a strong commitment to conservation on...

  7. Fire Prevention Work Group Final Report

    Report completed by the Fire Prevention Work Group for the 2004 Oregon Fire Program Review

  8. Community satisfaction and life course factors influencing the likelihood of moving for 50 to 70 year olds

    The purpose of this study was to determine what levels of community satisfaction

  9. Early identification of preschool children with developmental delays in Taiwan

    Early intervention services promote children's optimal health. The benefit of

  10. Feasibility Study of Using HANARO Fuel Rods in WWR-SM Reactor

    Interest in increased fuel supply stability has driven an investigation into possible alternate fuel for use in the WWR-SM research reactor at the Institute of Nuclear Physics in Uzbekistan. The WWR-SM is a...
