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Human Population Dynamics

Human Population Dynamics


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Searched for: Human Population Dynamics
  1. Causes and Consequences of Mitochondrial Variation in Caenorhabditid Nematodes

    Mitochondria are dynamic organelles that harbor their own stream-lined genome and generate much of the ATP necessary to sustain eukaryotic life via an electron transport chain (ETC). Because of the central role...

  2. Examination of Human Impacts on the Biodiversity and Ecology of Lichen and Moss Communities

    Globally, more than half of the world's population is living in urban areas and it is well accepted that human activities (e.g. climate warming, pollution, landscape homogenization) pose a multitude of threats...

  3. Selfish Mitochondrial DNA Proliferates and Diversifies in Small, but not Large, Experimental Populations of Caenorhabditis...

    Evolutionary interactions across levels of biological organization contribute to a variety of fundamental processes including genome evolution, reproductive mode transitions, species diversification, and...

  4. Demography of a Ground Nesting Bird in an Urban System: Are Populations Self-Sustaining?

    Urbanization poses threats to earth’s biota, and retention of remnant native habitat in protected areas within expanding urban boundaries may help alleviate threats to wildlife. However, it is unclear for...

  5. Genomic Analysis of Chronic Heat Stress Resistance in the Nematode Caenorhabditis remanei

    52 pages. A thesis presented to the Department of Biology and the Clark Honors College of the University of Oregon in partial fulfillment of the requirements for degree of Bachelor of Science, Spring 2017

  6. Data From: Anchored <i>Pseudo-De Novo</i> Assembly of Human Genomes Identifies Extensive Sequence Variation from Unmapped...

    The Human Genome Reference (HGR) completion marked the genomics era beginning, yet despite its utility universal application is limited by the small number of individuals used in its development. This is...

  7. Anchored Pseudo-De Novo Assembly of Human Genomes Identifies Extensive Sequence Variation From Unmapped Sequence Reads

    The human genome reference (HGR) completion marked the genomics era beginning, yet despite its utility universal application is limited by the small number of individuals used in its development. This is...

  8. Temperature Changes in Human Skeletal Muscle during Single Leg Dynamic Knee Extension Exercise

    49 pages. A thesis presented to the Department of Uman Physiology and the Clark Honors College of the University of Oregon in partial fulfillment of the requirements for degree of Bachelor of Arts, Summer 2015.

  9. Developing Biochemical Probes for a Required Activation Step of Arp2/3 Complex

    30 pages. A thesis presented to the Department of Human Physiology and Biology and the Clark Honors College of the University of Oregon in partial fulfillment of the requirements for degree of Bachelor of...

  10. Selfish Little Circles: Transmission Bias and Evolution of Large Deletion-Bearing Mitochondrial DNA in Caenorhabditis...

    Selfish DNA poses a significant challenge to genome stability and organismal fitness in diverse eukaryotic lineages. Although selfish mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) has known associations with cytoplasmic male...

