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Human Population Dynamics

Human Population Dynamics


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Searched for: Human Population Dynamics
  1. The Sociology of Landowner Interest in Restoring Fire-adapted, Biodiverse Habitats in the Wildland-Urban Interface Of...

    In many parts of the world, the combined effects of wildfire, climate change, and population growth in the wildland-urban interface pose increasing risks to both people and biodiversity. These risks are...

  2. The N-Player Trust Game and its Replicator Dynamics

    Trust is a fundamental concept that underpins the coherence and resilience of social systems and shapes human behavior. Despite the importance of trust as a social and psychological concept, the concept has not...

  3. Statistical Dynamics of the Royal Road Genetic Algorithm

    Metastability is a common phenomenon. Many evolutionary processes, both natural and artificial, alternate between periods of stasis and brief periods of rapid change in their behavior. In this paper an...

  4. DR7a: Changes in ecosystem services and migration in low-lying coastal areas over the next 50 years

    This paper examines the history and current status of ecosystem services in low-lying coastal areas (LLCAs), their potential changes because of wider environmental and social shifts, and the potential impacts...

  5. Neoliberal and Neo-Communal Herring Fisheries in Southeast Alaska: Reframing Sustainability in Marine Ecosystems

    The transformation of Pacific herring (Clupea pallasii) fisheries from communal to commons to neoliberal regulation has had significant impacts on the health and sustainability of marine ecosystems on the...

  6. Population Outlook for the Portland-Vancouver Metropolitan Region

    While many people both inside and outside Oregon envision the state as a place of picturesque coastal bluffs, mountain ranges, the Columbia River Gorge, and oldgrowth forests, the population is primarily urban....

  7. Causes and Consequences of Mitochondrial Variation in Caenorhabditid Nematodes

    Mitochondria are dynamic organelles that harbor their own stream-lined genome and generate much of the ATP necessary to sustain eukaryotic life via an electron transport chain (ETC). Because of the central role...

  8. The Cultural Barriers to Integration of Second Generation Muslims in Northern Italy

    In this study, I examine the existing literature and carry out a qualitative exploration in order to formulate a better understanding of the dynamics that influence the lives of 2nd generation Italian Muslims....

  9. Population Dynamics of the Portland-Vancouver MSA

    This article offers a descriptive overview of population dynamics in the Portland-Vancouver Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA). The MSA includes five of Oregon’s 36 counties–Clackamas, Columbia, Multnomah,...

  10. Evolutionary Dynamics in Molecular Populations of Ligase Ribozymes

    The emergence of life depended on the ability of the first biopolymer populations to thrive and approach larger population sizes and longer sequences. The evolution of these populations likely occurred under...

