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Human Population Dynamics

Human Population Dynamics

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Searched for: Human Population Dynamics
  1. Selfish Mitochondrial DNA Proliferates and Diversifies in Small, but not Large, Experimental Populations of Caenorhabditis...

    Evolutionary interactions across levels of biological organization contribute to a variety of fundamental processes including genome evolution, reproductive mode transitions, species diversification, and...

  2. The Impeccable Timing of the Apple Maggot Fly, <i>Rhagoletis pomonella</i> (Dipetera: Tephritidae), and its Implications for...

    Speciation is the process by which life diversifies into discrete forms, and understanding its underlying mechanisms remains a primary focus for biologists. Increasingly, empirical studies are helping explain...

  3. Investigations of Larval Pacific Lamprey Entosphenus tridentatus Osmotic Stress Tolerance and Occurrence in a...

    Pacific lamprey is a culturally valuable species to indigenous people, and has significant ecological importance in freshwater and marine ecosystems. Over the past several decades, constrictions in range and...

  4. Paths of Heritable Mitochondrial DNA Mutation and Heteroplasmy in Reference and Gas-1 Strains of Caenorhabditis Elegans

    Heteroplasmy—the presence of more than one mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence type in a cell, tissue, or individual—impacts human mitochondrial disease and numerous aging-related syndromes. Understanding...

  5. Demography of a Ground Nesting Bird in an Urban System: Are Populations Self-Sustaining?

    Urbanization poses threats to earth’s biota, and retention of remnant native habitat in protected areas within expanding urban boundaries may help alleviate threats to wildlife. However, it is unclear for...

  6. Stranding Mortality Patterns in California Sea Lions and Steller Sea Lions in Oregon and Southern Washington, 2006 to 2014

    As changing ocean conditions lead to declining fish stocks and movement of forage fish, sea lions on the Oregon coast are subject to the pressures of declining prey availability and increasing conflicts with...

  7. Adaptive Evolution under Favorable and Unfavorable Population Genetic Conditions in Mitochondrial-deficient Caenorhabditis...

    Mutation is a fundamental process that drives evolutionary change; however, most new mutations are deleterious for organismal fitness and can readily propagate within populations under a broad range of...

  8. Data From: Anchored <i>Pseudo-De Novo</i> Assembly of Human Genomes Identifies Extensive Sequence Variation from Unmapped...

    The Human Genome Reference (HGR) completion marked the genomics era beginning, yet despite its utility universal application is limited by the small number of individuals used in its development. This is...

  9. Data From: <i>Pseudo-De Novo</i> Assembly and Analysis of Unmapped Genome Sequence Reads in Wild Zebrafish Reveals Novel...

    Zebrafish represents the third vertebrate with an officially completed genome, yet it remains incomplete with additions and corrections continuing with the current release, GRCz10, having 13% of zebrafish cDNA...

  10. Pseudo-De Novo Assembly and Analysis of Unmapped Genome Sequence Reads in Wild Zebrafish Reveal Novel Gene Content

    Zebrafish represents the third vertebrate with an officially completed genome, yet it remains incomplete with additions and corrections continuing with the current release, GRCz10, having 13% of zebrafish cDNA...
