Natural Areas

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Searched for: Natural Areas
  1. Transdisciplinary Weed Research: New Leverage on Challenging Weed Problems?

    Transdisciplinary weed research (TWR) is a promising path to more effective management of challenging weed problems. We define TWR as an integrated process of inquiry and action that addresses complex weed...

  2. Tree Cover Mapping for Assessing Greater Sage-Grouse Habitat in Eastern Oregon

    We used a predictive model to map canopy cover of vegetation over seven feet in height ("tall woody vegetation") at 30-meter resolution over nearly 29 million acres within and adjacent to the range of the...

  3. Strengthening the Resiliency of Dryland Forest-Based Livelihoods in Ethiopia and South Sudan: A Review of Literature on the...

    Dry forests account for nearly half of the world’s tropical and subtropical forests and provide a multitude of ecological services. They contribute to hydrological cycles and livestock and wildlife...

  4. Forest Park Ecosystems Services Inventory: An Exploratory Study

    This report presents both qualitative and quantitative survey data concerning resident perceptions of ecosystem services in Portland’s Forest Park. Focus group best practices and ecosystem services in urban...

  5. Environmental Reviews and Case Studies: Mapping Landscape Values: Issues, Challenges and Lessons Learned from Field Work on...

    In order to inform natural resource policy and land management decisions, landscape values mapping (LVM) is increasingly used to collect data about the meanings that people attach to places and the activities...

  6. Values Mapping and Counter-Mapping in Contested Landscapes: an Olympic Peninsula (USA) Case Study

    Indigenous peoples, local communities, and other groups can use counter-mapping to make land claims, identify areas of desired access, or convey cultural values that diverge from the dominant paradigm. While...

  7. The Structure of Policy-Induced Innovation Networks in Slovenia

    Purpose – The recent economic crisis has significantly slowed Slovenia’s recent social and economic progress and exposed some important long-term problems such as a reliance on low value added Practical...