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Race and Ethnicity

Race and Ethnicity

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Searched for: Race and Ethnicity
  1. Dialogue in Identity-Based Conflict (Study of Intergroup-Dialogue with University Students)

    An individual's struggle with "self," which consists of personal identity and social identity, can create both intra- and interpersonal conflict. In this study, I explored how such struggles inform...

  2. The Stories We Tell: A Qualitative Inquiry to Multiracial Family Storytelling

    A narrative inheritance is comprised of the stories told by family members that are received by a younger generation and used to help construct identity. According to the communication theory of identity,...

  3. The Impacts of Microaggressions on the Performance of Multiracial and Monoracial College Students

    This study attempts to contribute to the research on how microaggressions affect performance of multiracial and monoracial college students in both social and academic realms. Microaggressions were explored...

  4. The Impact of Favela Painting

    While Brazil is growing rapidly, increased attention is being paid to its many lowerincome “marginal” neighborhoods, called favelas, found near and within many major Brazilian cities. Three such favelas...

  5. Peer Conversations about Inter-racial and Inter-ethnic Friendships

    The purpose of this study was to understand how early adolescents talk about cross-racial and cross-ethnic friendships. Gordon Allport's intergroup contact theory provided the framework for studying the...

  6. Information Scanning and Vaccine Safety Concerns among African American, Mexican American, and Non-Hispanic White Women

    Objective A significant number of parents delay or refuse vaccinating their children. Incidental exposure to vaccine information (i.e., scanned information) may be an important contributor to anti-vaccine...

  7. Advocacy Campaign for Women's Reproductive Health and Access on Social Media

    Advocacy organizations increasingly rely on social media (e.g. Twitter hashtags) to foster issue awareness. Social media platforms can be promising communication channels to reach diverse audiences; however, it...

  8. Gender Bias and the Evaluation of Players: Voice and Gender in Narrated Gameplay Videos

    This study evaluates perception differences of male and female narrators in video game tutorials. Video games have long been considered a masculine pursuit, and because of this, women have endured unpleasant...

  9. A Study of Small Talk Among Males: Comparing the U.S. and Japan

    This study seeks to understand the social interaction of small talk in two different countries. Defining small talk as 'phatic communion' and 'social talk' as contrasted to 'core business talk' and...
