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Race and Ethnicity

Race and Ethnicity

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Searched for: Race and Ethnicity
  1. Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Desire for Reversal of Sterilization among U.S. Women

    Purpose: Female sterilization rates and subsequent desire for reversal of the procedure are substantially higher in minorities, low-income women, and those who use public insurance. Despite the disproportionate...

  2. Teaching Australian Literature in a Class about Literatures of Social Reform

    This article presents an intriguing thesis about proximity and identification, distance and empathy based on the experience of teaching Sally Morgan’s My Place to American university students alongside Upton...

  3. Dialogue in Identity-Based Conflict (Study of Intergroup-Dialogue with University Students)

    An individual's struggle with "self," which consists of personal identity and social identity, can create both intra- and interpersonal conflict. In this study, I explored how such struggles inform...

  4. “Listen to What your Jotería is Saying”: Coverage of the 2016 Orlando Shooting by English- and Spanish-Language Media

    This study will focus on coverage of the 2016 Pulse nightclub shooting by multiple English- and Spanish-language media sources in the month following the attack. The study assesses the extent through which...

  5. Most Americans are Now Opposed to Laws Against Interracial Marriage, but Their Behavior Does Not Yet Reflect These Attitudes

    Recent decades have seen a dramatic fall in the number of people that support laws which prohibit interracial marriages, and an increase in the number of these marriages. But why does the rate of interracial...

  6. Racial Bias in Driver Yielding Behavior at Crosswalks

    Racial minorities are disproportionately represented in pedestrian traffic fatalities, indicating a significant public health and safety issue. Psychological and social identity-related factors have previously...

  7. From Food Desert to Food Mirage: Race, Social Class, and Food Shopping in a Gentrifying Neighborhood

    New supermarkets in previous “food deserts” can benefit residents by improving their access to healthful, affordable food. But in gentrifying neighborhoods characterized by the inflow of middle-class, white...

  8. User ID/entity: Examining the Role of Online Interactions in Black Racial Identity Formation

    Racial identity formation has been extensively studied but lacks an adequate accounting of one of the dominant forms of modern communication: social media interactions. Existing literature acknowledges an...

  9. What Color Is the Threshold? An Exploration of the Materiality of Racial Descriptions in Marketing Paratext in Adult Fiction

    The conversation in book publishing has established that the industry is remarkably, well, white. We abstractly understand that minority groups have not been represented well, if at all, in our literary...

  10. An Exercise in Failure Punishing “At-Risk” Youth and Families in a South Los Angeles Boot Camp Program

    Juvenile correctional boot camps seek to transform youth labeled “at-risk” into productive members of society. While these military-style programs have been in decline since the early 2000s, the Los Angeles...

