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Race and Ethnicity

Race and Ethnicity

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Searched for: Race and Ethnicity
  1. Beyond Guilt: How to Deal with Societal Racism

    This article addresses the specific form of racism that we refer to as “societal,” and provides a method of responding to the guilt-based reactions of many European Americans to the subject of racism. We...

  2. Inserting the ‘Race’ into Critical Pedagogy: An Analysis of ‘Race‐Based Epistemologies'

    There has been some debate about whether ‘critical pedagogy,’ as a field of study, adequately incorporates issues of race and racism into its analysis of schooling and society (Gordon, 1995). Among other...

  3. Critical Race Pedagogy 2.0: Lessons from Derrick Bell

    In this article, we attempt to honor the rich legacy of Derrick Bell by detailing how exploring his specific contributions to critical race theory (CRT) provided lessons for developing and refining critical...

  4. Preparing Future School Leaders to Ensure Racial, Ethnic, Linguistic, and Socio-Economic Equity in Education: The "Third Way"

    Preparing educational leadership to ensure equity in our schools has become a focus of principal preparation programs with some programs relying on a conventional approach, others using a critical approach, and...

  5. Stories of Success: Understanding Academic Achievement of Hispanic Students in Science

    A review of the literature shows that there is much evidence to suggest the challenges facing Hispanic students in American public schools. Hispanic enrollment in K-12 public schools has increased from 6 to 19%...

  6. Examining Teachers’ Beliefs About African American Male Students in a Low-Performing High School in an African American...

    The study examines teachers' and administrators' perspectives on the persistent academic failure of African American male high school students. The study took place between 2003 and 2005 in a low-performing...

  7. The Role of Emotional Support Consistency and Child Risk Factors in Predicting Pre-K Cognitive and Social-Emotional...

    The quality of children's daily experiences in preschool classrooms is predictive of their school readiness and later achievement (Duncan et al., 2007; La Paro & Pianta, 2000). One particularly important aspect...

  8. Navigating Multiple Identities: How Teachers Can Support Self-Identified Multi-Ethnic Students

    53 pages. A thesis presented to the Department of Education Studies and the Clark Honors College of the University of Oregon in partial fulfillment of the requirements for degree of Bachelor of Arts, Spring...

  9. Critical Race Theory and the Perspectives of Black Men Teachers in the Los Angeles Public Schools

    When asked why he teaches in urban schools, a respondent softly uttered these words: “I teach ‘cause I keep seein’ me’’. This is an emotional and revealing statement made by a 35-year-old Black man...