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Race and Ethnicity

Race and Ethnicity

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Searched for: Race and Ethnicity
  1. Adaptation to dominant society : a self study of a woman of mixed race, black/Indian

    This research effort is based on the life and development process which the author has experienced and is currently experiencing. This effort for all intents and purposes, is an individual self-study. "Critical...

  2. Apprenticeship Needs Assessment in Heavy Highway Construction Workforce

    To gain an understanding of the reasons that women and men of color are not retained in apprenticeships relevant to the heavy highway trades at the same rate as are white men. Particular attention shall be...

  3. Beyond Race Cards in America's Pastime: An Appreciative Reply to Findlay and Santos

    In this reply, I salute the correction, replication, and extensions carried out by David Findlay and John Santos (2012) based on my jointly authored paper Hewitt, Muñoz, Oliver, and Regoli (2005). I expound...

  4. The Minorities Within The Minority

    The poster is based off of the research paper I am currently doing, it is about how in the Western Society the Asian-Pacific Islanders are categorized as one, but in reality they're two different ethnicity and...

  5. What Indians think an Indian is : a study of personal and educational attitudes

    This study, was conducted with four Indian groups: three of Portland and one in Whiteriver, Arizona. The purpose of the study was to identify attitudes about Indian identity and education through the use of a...

  6. Infusing Culture into Practice: Developing and Implementing Evidence-Based Mental Health Services for African American Foster...

    The lack of culturally appropriate health and mental health care has contributed to the large number of African American youth and families involved in the child welfare system. This article reviews the...

  7. Beyond Guilt: How to Deal with Societal Racism

    This article addresses the specific form of racism that we refer to as “societal,” and provides a method of responding to the guilt-based reactions of many European Americans to the subject of racism. We...

  8. Teaching Australian Literature in a Class about Literatures of Social Reform

    This article presents an intriguing thesis about proximity and identification, distance and empathy based on the experience of teaching Sally Morgan’s My Place to American university students alongside Upton...

  9. Inserting the ‘Race’ into Critical Pedagogy: An Analysis of ‘Race‐Based Epistemologies'

    There has been some debate about whether ‘critical pedagogy,’ as a field of study, adequately incorporates issues of race and racism into its analysis of schooling and society (Gordon, 1995). Among other...

  10. Beyond the Shadow of White Privilege?: The Socioeconomic Attainments of Second Generation South Asian Americans

    Despite numerous studies of second generation minorities in recent years, South Asian Americans have been largely ignored. Using the most recent data available from the US Census Bureau, we investigate the...
