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Race and Ethnicity

Race and Ethnicity

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  1. Inserting the ‘Race’ into Critical Pedagogy: An Analysis of ‘Race‐Based Epistemologies'

    There has been some debate about whether ‘critical pedagogy,’ as a field of study, adequately incorporates issues of race and racism into its analysis of schooling and society (Gordon, 1995). Among other...

  2. Critical Race Pedagogy 2.0: Lessons from Derrick Bell

    In this article, we attempt to honor the rich legacy of Derrick Bell by detailing how exploring his specific contributions to critical race theory (CRT) provided lessons for developing and refining critical...

  3. Critical Race Theory and the Perspectives of Black Men Teachers in the Los Angeles Public Schools

    When asked why he teaches in urban schools, a respondent softly uttered these words: “I teach ‘cause I keep seein’ me’’. This is an emotional and revealing statement made by a 35-year-old Black man...